Want your kids to get a sneak peek at the science curriculum they’ll be learning this year in school?
In Illinois, grades 3 & 4 learn about simple machines – exactly what they’ll see on stage with the Mousetrap Machine Science Show at the Winnetka Community House on August 31st at 4 pm!
In this science themed stage show, Smarty Pants transforms his award winning balloons into working levers, wheels, pulleys, inclined planes and screws.
By the end of the show, all five balloon machines combine into the incredible Mousetrap Machine to catch a runaway mouse.
- See a balloon pulley lift a balloon motorcycle right into the air!
- Watch a giant balloon transform into a giant rocket!
- How can an inclined plane save an egg from total destruction?
- Which volunteer will become a human fulcrum in our lever demonstration?
With over twenty five volunteers used throughout the show, your child may even have the chance to participate on stage!
Tickets are only $3 per person and on sale now! For tickets, go to www.MousetrapMachine.Eventbrite.com