This summer, Smarty Pants will launch a brand new library show in Illinois to fit the state-wide “Reading is Delicious” summer reading theme.
Set in a hilarious balloon diner, the Smarty Pants Big Balloon Diner focuses on the joy of reading, the important of proper nutrition, and of course, the fun of cooking up great food!
Smarty Pants and his wife the Lovely Miss Dena perform in public libraries all over Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin – over 100 shows in 2011 – and we’re looking forward to presenting our “delicious” new balloon show in 2012.
I’m already working on a batch of fun new balloons as part of the show…. here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect!
For more information about Smarty Pants and our balloon shows suited for libraries, please see our website,
P.S. If you want to bring the Smarty Pants Big Balloon Show to your local library – it’s easy! Just ask your local “Youth Services” librarian to give us a call or email. Your local librarian wants to bring in programs their patrons want to attend so tell them – YOU WANT SMARTY PANTS IN 2012!